Monday, August 15, 2011

My Mini Doll Collection!

Do any of you own the mini American Girl dolls? Have you gotten the chance to get one of the beautiful special addition miniature AG dolls?

I own six of the mini American Girl dolls myself! I would like to have the special addition Kit mini doll and maybe a few others... :)

My minis: Kirsten, Molly, Felicity, Elizabeth, Rebecca, and Samantha

They come in such cute little boxes with their meet book too. :)

Which is your favorite original or special addition mini?


  1. I have the special edition mini Samantha! :) Which mini doll is your favorite? :)

  2. I have 11 of the mini dolls. My favorite special edition is Addy. I'm hoping to get the Addy and Kirsten special edition minis but I'm waiting to see them all before I order any of them.

  3. Cool! I own mini Molly and mini Samantha. I don't want a special edition one, but I do want mini Nellie, mini Cecile, and/or mini Marie-Grace. :)

  4. I want mini Josefina & mini Emily. I have six mini dolls, Samantha,Kirsten,Rebecca,Ruthie,Kaya and SE Molly. I love mini dolls, they're SO cute.

  5. Hi everyone!

    Thanks for all the comments! That is so cool you all have mini dolls too!

    Hannah- I like all the mini dolls and one of my favorites is probably Samantha. :)

  6. We want special edition Kit .. Mara, Kelsyee and I collect the mini's when the big ones retire


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