I'm so excited to share with you the results of the poll!!
In an earlier poll, I asked you: What do you think I ordered a few days ago for my AG dolls?
1 % said A Pair of Pants
1% said Some New Shoes
1% said A Winter Coat
4% said A Mini Doll From AG
2% said An Outfit from AG
And no one voted for A Hat...
The 1% that said........ A Winter Coat is correct!!!!!!! :) Congratulations!
Thank you all for voting! I may be getting a mini doll later. :)
Here are some pictures of Ruthie modeling it for you!
I ordered The Doll Winter Coat from Amazon. I got it for $16.85. You may be able to get it from other sellers on there too. Different sellers sell it at different prices. (I think I ordered mine from a different seller who was selling it.)
Anyway, I will have some more fun posts up this weekend because I have more time due to a THREE day weekend!!
Today I went to the Botanical Gardens in DC, so I will probably be posting pictures of that!! It isn't doll related, but it's still cool!!
Bye for now! :)