Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

Hi everyone! :)


I'm so excited to have a wonderful Thanksgiving with my family today! We are going to go to my aunt's house tonight and have lots of delicious food there like turkey, mashed potatoes, and pumpkin pie! I think we are even going shopping tommorow for all the Black Friday specials! My dolls have been having fun celebrating Thanksgiving too!

Today is a special day to be very thankful for what you have. :) I have so many things to be thankful for- my family, friends, food, a warm house, my dolls, and so much more!

What are you doing to celebrate Thanksgiving?

Whatever you're doing, I hope you have a great Thanksgiving day filled with happiness! :)


Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Only ONE month until Christmas! :D

P.S. Hope you can enter my Thanksgiving Doll Photo Contest! Pictures are due Saturday! :)

1 comment:

  1. OMJ! (oh my jelly) That turkey looks SOOOO good, even though I prefer chicken or ham!!! :)


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