
Sunday, December 11, 2011

Christmas Giveaway!

Hey everyone!

It's time for another giveaway! Hooray! It is to celebrate Christmas,winter and for reaching over 90 followers!

For this giveaway, there will be TWO winners! They will each get a cute winter hat for their doll and a custom made signature for their blog!

The first place winner will receive the hat of her choice (blue or white)! The second place winner will receive the other of the two.

Chrissa modeling the lovely hats!

A sparkly blue winter hat! Oooh la la!

A simple cream colored winter hat, which will go with pretty much everything!

To enter, you must have a parent's permission. In addition, please comment below and tell me your name/nickname, you would like to enter, your email, and your favorite thing about winter! (If you do not wish to leave your email address, you will have to email me if you win.)

Also, I can only ship to the U.S. (I am really sorry, but I am only allowed to ship there.)

Extra Entries: Post about my giveaway on your blog or website! (Please leave a second comment telling me you did this and include the link.)

The last day to enter is Thursday, December 22, 2011!

Happy Winter! I hope you all can enter!

P.S. If I can reach 100 followers, I will have another giveaway!


  1. Okay, I has my parents' permission! I would lOvE to enter! My email is...
    My name is Spicemuffin. :)

  2. I have parents permission and I would love to enter! My email is My favorite thing about winter is snow! :D

  3. 1. I have my parents' permission to enter this AWESOME giveaway!

    2. My name is Emma!

    3. I would like to enter because I think the hats are both so cute!

    4. My email is

    5. I have many favorite things about winter! I love getting a break from school, decorating, giving/getting gifts, drinking hot cocoa and apple cider, and much more!

    I hope I win!

  4. I have my parents permission!

    Name: Sarah Bertke

    My favorite thing about winter is building snowmen, having snowball fights with my brothers, and sipping hot chocolate!

  5. i would like to enter, i have my parents permission, my name is Alanna, and my Favorite thing about winter is playing in the snow, oh and my e-mail is

  6. i posted about you'r giveaway at

  7. Hi! I would love to enter! My name is Hannah and I have my parents permission! :) My email is My favorite thing about winter is spending time with family and friends. Also having a break off from school. :)


  8. I have my parents permission! I would like to enter! I love winter because i can see my family and play in the snow! I really love Christmas too! Danielle:)

  9. Taryn from Bolton Girls Travel Journal ..

    We LOVE winter for the horse drawn sleigh rides that our brothers set up for us .. they are so much fun.

    Our email is you should come and enter our contest too ..

    Taryn N Marsali

  10. Hi Anne! I would love to enter! My name is Samantha, (Sammy) and you have my email address. I have my parents permission, and I'd have to say my favorite thing about winter is...Christmas!!! Best day of the year for sure! Thanks for hosting another giveaway!!!

  11. i have parents perrmission,and i would love to enter your give away!!!!!! MY FAVOURITE THING ABOUT WINTER IS SNOW!!!!!!!! my name is erica,my email is

  12. I have my parent's permission,
    my email is My favorite part of winter is family time and Christmas!


Thanks for taking the time to comment! Please be kind and respectful when commenting. Please do not use any bad words either. Thank you! :)