
Sunday, October 9, 2011

Results of Fall Scavenger Hunt!

Hi everyone! :)

Thank you to everyone who participated in the Fall Scavenger Hunt! It was so much fun! Congratulations to Karalee for being the first to email me and congratulations to everyone else who found the picture too!  If you participated, you may take the award below to put on your website/blog! :)

Oh and the picture was hidden in... My 16th Birthday Post! I will be 17 in 17 days! Yay!

Be on the lookout for more fall games, contests, and giveaways soon!


  1. Oh, I missed it. :( I was away! Can you do another one some other time?

  2. Hi Priya!

    Yes, I will definitely be doing more of these! Don't worry! :)


  3. Hi Anne!

    Thank you for participating in Shout-Out Your Doll Site! Congrats to Karalee! I'll have to parcipate in your next Scavenger Hunt, it sounds really fun! :)

    Have a great weekend!

    Your Friend,


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