
Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Earthquakes are Scary!

Today my sister, mom, and I went dress shopping at David's Bridal. I was looking for a dress for a wedding.
All of a sudden the floor started to shake tremendously and there was this rumbling noise... My mom and I started running out along with everyone else, while the lady was yelling, "Everybody out!" As I was running in my very long dress and bare feet, I started seeing bits of the ceiling flying everywhere. It was very scary and none of us knew what had happened.

We all got outside safely, but were still trying to figure out what happened. A few minutes later, the news reporters said it was a 5.9 earthquake! It was felt from North Carolina to even Canada!

There were a few aftershocks and damaged reported as well, although I do not think anyone was hurt.

I am so thankful that none of the falling debris hurt us! Did you feel the earthquake?


  1. Oh my goodness!! I'm glad you're alright! In georgia, we didn't feel it, but I heard about it on the news! That's really scary! ...Post pictures of the dress you got!! :)

  2. I Kellee! Thanks. I am glad I am ok too. :)

    I actually did not end up getting a dress today. When I get one, I will be sure post about it though! :)

  3. Glad that you are safe and were not hurt .. we have seen the news on the shake .. really scary .. I have been through several living in Alaska .. but none were that big I do not think ..

  4. Where I live, it was felt, too, but I missed it. :( I don't think it was too extreme where I was though, it was just shaking for two minutes.

  5. I didn't feel, anything. There was suppost to be one where I live.

  6. Hi Anne!

    Thank you for participating in Shout-Out Your Doll Site! Wow, I'm am so glad you weren't hurt!!! I heard on the news that some people felt the Earthquake near where I live, but thankfully we didn't feel it. :)

    Hope you have a great weekend!!

    Your Friend,


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