
Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Award for Kathy, Ceara, and C-Dog!

Hi everyone! :)

I just wanted to give Kathy, Ceara, and C-Dog their award they won from my Win an Award page.

You three can just right click and save it to your computer and put it on your blogs!

Congratulations on winning!

If you would like to win an award, just fill out the application form on my Win an Award page and send it to me in an email at


  1. Kathy- If you wanted the other award instead just let me know.

    Ceara- You applied for an award a while ago, but I wasn't sure how to get it to you because you didnt't put an email down. I forget which award you actually applied for during that month. If you want whatever award that was, just comment here and let me know which one it was.

  2. Hi Anne!

    Thank you for participating in Shout-Out Your Doll Site! I saw your post below, that's so cool you might get Marie-Grace! I really like her new facemold too. :)

    Hope you have a great weekend!

    Your Friend,


Thanks for taking the time to comment! Please be kind and respectful when commenting. Please do not use any bad words either. Thank you! :)