
Saturday, April 16, 2011

My American Girl Magazines!

Hi everyone!

Have you ever wondered what some of the earlier American Girl Magazines looked like?  Have you ever wondered which ones I own? Now you can find out!

These are my oldest American Girl Magazines!

And some other later ones..

More recent ones

Very recent ones

My Imagine American Girl Magazines!

American Girl used to have these Imagine Magazines. They were free. The magazine includes little crafts, ideas, and things to do with your doll inside. American Girl stopped making them though. A few years ago, my mom called them up and asked them if they had any left. They did, so they sent me some.

Some of my older issues are from 2000! No, I have not been subscribed to them for that long. My mom just ordered me some of the older ones that they had a few years ago. I have been subscribed to the AG Mag for about 3 years now.

Well, those are all of my American Girl Magazines.. except for one of my 2011 issues which I can not find at the moment. LOL (In case you are wondering, I have 34 American Girl Magazines).  I noticed that the covers from the older magazines look very different from the newer ones too. American Girl has definitely changed over the years. For example, the magazine doesn't include the mini AG Mag to make for your doll anymore. That was one of my favorite parts of the Magazine! I'm sad they took that out.

Do you own any American Girl Magazines? Which is your favorite issue? What is the oldest issue you own? Have you or a friend ever been featured in the AG Magazine? I'd love to know! :)

I hoped you had fun seeing my American Girl Magazines!



  1. My oldest issue is from July 2007, when I first heard of AG. I recognized most of those magazines, but I only recognized one of the old ones! D: Cool collection, Anne! :)


  2. I'm not subscribed to AG, but it's a very fun magazine and I get old issues out of the library. I love looking at them. My oldest issue is probably from 2007 or 2008. I have a Mini Mag that is from 1998 though! I agree with you, I miss the Mini Mags a lot. But, I like the new section they put in recently called "Doll Fun!"
    Interesting about the Imagine Magazines. I had never heard of them.
    By the way, I enjoy your blog a lot!

  3. Hey Anne. When I was younger I did a photoshoot for American Girl and I never got to see myself in it. It was either in the catalogue or magazine. I am trying to find the photo. It was either in 2004, 2005, 2006, or 2007. I was photographed on the beach with one of the blonde dolls. I am blonde and have blue eyes and I think I was in the 5th grade when I did it. I was photographed with one of the blonde dolls and sitting on a white chair or running by with the doll on the chair. Have you seen a photo like this in any of your magazines or catalogues? Let me know! great blog!

  4. Hi Lauren! :)

    That's so cool that you got to be photographed for AG!

    I do remember that at one point I had a catalogue with a blonde girl sitting in a white chair and another similar one. I will keep checking to see if I find it.



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