
Sunday, October 24, 2010

Last Day of Being Fifteen

Hello everyone!!!

I am soo excited because tommorow is my birthday!  I will be 16 years old!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

Yesterday, I had a fun birthday celebration with my family and I got many wonderful new things! (I will write more about that later.) ;)
Sadly, this is my last day of being 15.... LOL

Since today is my last day being 15, I will write 15 Random facts about me below and tommorow I will put 16 different random facts about me on my special birthday post!

Here I go!!

15 Random Facts About Me!

1.) I take Irish Dance.

2.) My nails are painted blue right now! :D

3.) I have two scrapbooks.

4.) I am an aunt of three nephews! :)

5.) I go to an all girls school.

6.) I can say a sentence in Latin.

7.) I get scared on planes.

8.) I'm learning how to play Fur Elise on the piano!

9.) I wear a pearl necklace every day. (YES I really do!)

10.) I love yogurt! Random, but yes it's true. LOL

11.) Last night I watched Mandie and the Cherokee Legend!

12.) My favorite books are the Anne of Green Gables Series!

13.) I had blonde hair when was a baby. Now I have brown hair.

14.) I have hazel eyes.

15.) I love Taylor Swift's song, Fifteen!!!

So, PLEASE watch tommorow for a special birthday post, including pictures of what I got for my birthday!


  1. Happy Birthday Anne!!! Hope Sixteen is even better than fifteen!!! :)

  2. Happy birthday! You hav to put up a video of you playing fur elise when you learn it! I am actually named after that song

  3. Happy Birthday tomorrow! :) I remember my 16th birthday with many fond memories (I was finally allowed to date at 16 years old). :D

  4. Have a fantastic sweet 16! Mine isn't for a few years, so I still have to wait.

    I love Anne of Green Gables too! I've only read the first one (and that was about two years ago), and I really liked it!

  5. Wow, we have a LOT in common! Have a Happy 16th birthday, and last day of being 15!!! :)

  6. YAY! :D Happy early birthday!!! :D I hope you have a super great one. I think it's funny that your birthday is on the very day Speak Now comes out. I hope you enjoy the CD-I'm sure it will be awesome! :D I can't wait for it, either!

  7. Aww, thank you everybody!!! These comments really made me happy! You are all so sweet! :)

    Claire- Yes, I will definitely put a video up when I have the piece learned. :)

    Quinlyn- Yes, I thought that was really funny too! LOL

    Thank you all again so much! :)



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