
Friday, September 24, 2010

My Doll Locker! Craft # 3

So here is another doll craft you can make! I haven't posted one in a while, so I thought it was time to do one again. :)

Doll Locker

Materials: A shoe box, cardboard for the shelf or a small AG box, glue or tape, and a locker cover for the outside of the box. (You can get it from the doll school kit, or you might be able to get one from print mini or online.

(If you want decorations in your locker, get little pictures, stickers, posters, etc that are doll sized to hang up.)

*Important Note* Make sure you get a shoe box in which the top lid is connected to the bottom. That way you can open it like a locker.


1. Find a shoe box that would work for the size of a doll locker.

2. Glue or tape the locker paper cover onto the front of the box. Let dry.

3. Glue a cardboard shelf inside the middle of the locker. You may also be able to stick an AG box inside and stack the books on top of it. (It depends on the sizes of the boxes you have.)

3. Put your doll's books, binders, papers, folders, etc on top of the shelf.

4. If you want any locker decorations, glue or tape mini pictures, stickers, posters, etc to the lid of the box.

5. You're DONE! You've made a doll locker!

Here is what mine looks like!

The outside...

The inside...

It's fun, simple, and easy to make! 

Have fun making one! :)

P.S. I'm really sorry for the lack of posts, 10th grade is very busy, so sometimes it is hard for me to post on school nights, but I'll try my best!  


  1. Your doll locker is so cool and creative! Great job!

  2. your locker is cute hope the one i am making right now is as beautiful

  3. I cant find the right shoe box!!!


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