
Thursday, August 26, 2010

My 50th Post Celebration!!!

Hi everyone!

I can't believe it! This is already my 50th post! Thank you to all my followers, friends, and everyone that comments! I get so excited to see a comment or email from you! So to celebrate, I have lots of pictures!

This is my 1st doll, Felicity! She is wearing her original meet outfit, which AG retired. Now she wears the purple dress for her Meet outfit.

Detail of the Dress

ALL of my AG dolls and ALOF dolls!

Closeup of Elsie, since you couldn't really see her in the other picture.

Closeup of Allison, my second AG doll, who is a bitty baby.


ALL my minis!!!! :D

I also have poll going on right now, which I'd love for you to vote on! I will give away which ever item/s get the most votes for a Fall or Back to School giveaway! I've also been thinking of having a doll contest with a doll related prize! What do you think?

The other videos will come soon too!

Again, THANK YOU to all 29 of my followers! You all ROCK!

Only 50 more posts until the 100th post! LOL :D


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