
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The Winner of My Giveaway!!

Hi everyone!

It is time to announce the winner of my giveaway! First, I'd like to thank all 8 of you for entering my giveaway!

Now, right now I have everyone's name on a slip of paper folded in half in a large bowl.

Now I am mixing them up.......................................................................

Mixing them up some more.....................................................................

I have a folded slip of paper in my hand...................................................

And the winner is....................................................................................






CLAIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congratulations, Claire! You won the pair of doll flip flops! :)

I just sent you an email, telling you! :)

Thank you so much to everyone that entered!

And don't worry if you didn't win this one, I will have another giveaway soon! ;)



  1. YAH! YAH! YAH!!! I am so excited! I didn't get your email so I am going to send you one with the details! I really didn't think I would win. They are so cute! Thanks for having this contest!

    Please send me another email:
    It might have gone to my spam and I just emptied it. oops!

  2. Hi Claire!

    I sent you another email. My email actually returned to me the previous message I had sent to you. Sorry about that. Congrats again!!! :)


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