
Sunday, July 18, 2010

Favorite Book Scenes- Pride and Prejudice

Hi everyone! :)

I recently took some pictures of Rebecca and Charlotte portraying similar scenes from the book Pride and Prejudice. I took them for AGC Round 3, My Favorite Book. Charlotte's favorite book is Pride and Prejudice. In these scenes, Charlotte is Jane and Rebecca is Elizabeth. It took me several tries to get the picture just right.

Here are my attempts until I got it just right.

1st Try

The book is falling down. It took me three more tries before I got the book to stay.

4th Try


Rebecca (Elizabeth) is holding a flower and Charlotte (Jane) is holding a letter from Mr. Bingley.

It was very difficult to get the dolls to stay standing up, so I put a doll stand behind them both, so they'd stay up. I also got about 14 bug bites while I was doing these pictures. LOL

Have you read Pride and Prejudice or seen the movie? I read it this year and school and watched the movie too.

Also, I have a very big surprise planned for you all, it will hopefully be up tonight or tommorow!!! But right now it's a secret! :)



  1. Aww, what a pretty picture Anne!! :D Your dolls are so cute! :) I just LOVE your blog!


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