
Saturday, October 2, 2010

A Nice Package on a Rainy Day!

A few days ago when it was raining really hard, the mailman came up our driveway in his little car. Usually when the mailman comes up our driveway, he has a package to deliver, which doesn't fit in the mailbox! Sure enough there was a package addressed to me from Leah from All Things American Girl! I opened it and... inside was... the Kit's World book from her giveaway!!!! :) THANK YOU SO MUCH LEAH!!!! :)

It has two pictures on the cover which you can choose from by sliding the little flap next to it.

This book is so neat! It even has a little mini checkerboard in it!

It's really fun to read and look at too! :D

Thank you very much, Leah!!!!! I LOVE the book!

Do any of you have this book?


  1. I have that book, and the Samantha one! It is really awesome! I love the pop out tree house the best! :) I take the paper dolls that came in the McDonald's AG toys, and put them in it! :)

  2. I'm so happy that you like it!! I read your email but we were going somewhere and I forgot to respond when I got back. Sorry! I love that book and was so excited to share a new copy as a giveaway prize.


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