
About Me

Hi everyone! Welcome to my blog! :)

I am a Catholic girl, who loves American Girl dolls! I first started collecting American Girl dolls when I was about seven, but I wanted one even before that! :) My mom promised me an American Girl doll if I read all the historical books that were out at that time. After I read them all, I chose my first American Girl doll, Felicity, for my seventh birthday! I got a bitty baby for Christmas a few years later. She is named Allison. Later, I received Kirsten for my twelfth birthday from my sister and her husband! Ruthie followed for my 14th birthday. I also found a JLY # 3 at a yard sale, which I named Lilly Claire. Shortly after, I got  JLY # 21 and I named her Charlotte. For my 15th birthday, I got Chrissa from my brother! I was also able to get Millie the ALOF doll in October of 2009. After getting Elsie for Christmas, I bought Lanie with my Christmas money. She arrived in January of 2010! Rebecca came in June 2010! I got Elizabeth, my most recent doll, in December of 2010 from my mom! I have a grand total of 12 dolls and I plan to continue collecting them!

I also sew doll outfits! As you can see, I LOVE dolls! :) I have loved them ever since I was really little!
In addition to my interest in American Girl, I also like ballet, Irish dance, scrapbooking, singing, shopping, cooking, reading, blogging, crafts, and sewing.

Thank you for stopping by! :)
