
Friday, February 18, 2011

The Poll Results!!

Hi everyone!!!
I'm so excited to share with you the results of the poll!!

In an earlier poll, I asked you: What do you think I ordered a few days ago for my AG dolls?

1 % said A Pair of Pants
1%  said Some New Shoes
1% said A Winter Coat
4% said A Mini Doll From AG
2% said An Outfit from AG
And no one voted for A Hat...

The 1% that said........ A Winter Coat is correct!!!!!!! :) Congratulations!

Thank you all for voting! I may be getting a mini doll later. :)

Here are some pictures of Ruthie modeling it for you!

So yeah that is what I ordered!!! Sorry it took me so long to post it!!

I ordered The Doll Winter Coat from Amazon. I got it for $16.85. You may be able to get it from other sellers on there too. Different sellers sell it at different prices. (I think I ordered mine from a different seller who was selling it.)

Anyway, I will have some more fun posts up this weekend because I have more time due to a THREE day weekend!!

Today I went to the Botanical Gardens in DC, so I will probably be posting pictures of that!! It isn't doll related, but it's still cool!!
Bye for now! :)


Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentines Day!!!!

Happy Valentines Day!!!

I just love Valentines Day!!!!

Valentines Day is of course about friendship and love. <3

So, I want to thank all of my fabulous AG friends for being amazing friends!!!

Thank you all 48 followers and thank you for all of the sweet comments!!!

Rebecca loves her box of chocolates!

Eating chocolate and looking at her Valentines....  ;)

I got a box of chocolate from my mom today when I came home from school! <3

I'm giving her one as well. :)

What did you get for Valentines Day? Did you make any Valentine cards? I made one for my friend today in school during Latin class. (It was an assignment from the teacher to write a Valentine card in Latin.)

I hope you have a sweet, wonderful Happy Valentines Day!


Anne & the Dolls

P.S. I am very sorry I have't posted in such a long time. I got very sick with a cold, cough, and ear infection, so I didn't feel well at all. :( My laptop also broke, so I have been using the other computer, which is slow. This weekend I also wasn't able to post because I had eight hour rehearsals every day in another state for a district chorus. So, I just wanted to let you know in case you were wondering. The results (correct answer) of the poll will be posted later this week! :)